Climate change and environmental justice are among the most pressing issues of our time. On the basis of these shared beliefs, the event hosts are convening the Climate and Clean Energy Youth Forum 2021 on March 8, 2021 to engage students and young professionals with regional and national climate leaders, New Hampshire’s congressional delegation, scientists, business leaders, and environmental justice champions
Our goals are to:
raise awareness about the implementation of climate and clean energy plans
discuss intergenerational science and policy opportunities for environmental justice
explore job growth potential in an emerging clean energy economy.
Check here for updates
Biden Administration Clean Energy/Climate Action Priorities
Shalanda Baker, U.S. Department of Energy
Hannah Bristol, White House, Domestic Policy Council
Clean Energy and Climate Change Action in Congress
Climate Futures for Transportation & Offshore Wind
Florence Chen, Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary, Special Assistant for Policy
Elizabeth Turnbull Henry, Environmental League of Massachusetts
Alli Gold Roberts, CERES, Inc.
Launching a Climate and Clean Energy Career
Exploring Environmental Science - Carbon Capture and Nature-based Solutions
Accelerating Climate, Clean Energy, and Equity Actions in NH
Lunch & Learn: Equity and Climate Justice
Shalanda Baker, Author, Revolutionary Power, U.S. Department of Energy
2021 Virtual Climate and Clean Energy Youth Forum
March 8, 2021
9:00am - 1:00pm
9:00 - Welcome
9:05 - Biden Administration Clean Energy/Climate Action Priorities
9:45 - Clean Energy and Climate Change Action in Congress
10:30 - Climate Futures for Transportation & Offshore Wind
11:10 - Breakout Sessions
Launching a Climate and Clean Energy Career
Exploring Environmental Science - Carbon Capture and Nature-based Solutions
Accelerating Climate, Clean Energy, and Equity Actions in NH
12:05 - Lunch & Learn: Equity and Climate Justice
12:45 - Wrap-up and Thank Yous!